Uptime Guarantee

Ensuring Maximum Reliability for Your Critical Operations

Bharat Data Center ensures enterprise-grade stability and performance through robust infrastructure with multiple redundancy levels.

Highlights of Service Level Agreement

Uptime Guarantee

Bharat Data Center commits to providing uptime of 99.95% or greater. If uptime falls below this, customers may receive service extensions or credits.

Downtime Reporting

Customers must report downtime within 24 hours for eligibility for rebates, providing necessary information and cooperation for investigation.

Eligibility for Rebates

Rebates are calculated per incident and must be requested within 2 days of the end of the billed month. They are applied to future invoices.


Several events, including customer actions and force majeure, are exempt from downtime calculations.

Downtime Calculation Period

The period for calculating downtime begins when the Bharat data centre is notified and ends when the issue is resolved.

Data Security Responsibility

Customers are responsible for Data security measures and backup plans.

Data Backup Responsibility

Customers must purchase and manage data backup and recovery plans.


This SLA outlines the sole remedies for service unavailability or failure, and Bharat Data Center’s obligations in such cases.

If our uptime falls short of our guarantees, customers may receive SLA credits based on affected instance hourly costs, as specified.

Outage Time Frame
Effective Approx Availability
Credit Amount

Less than 9 minutes


12 hours

10 – 59 minutes


24 hours

1 – 2 hours


48 hours

2 – 4 hours


120 hours

4 – 7 hours


240 hours

7+ hours


672 hours

Round the Clock Customer Care Support 24/7/365 with in 90 seconds response